The Pursuit of Racism: A Useless Inquiry That Already Happened

aboriginal womenThis is particular issues, to me, is extremely important and highlights one of the most fundamental problems in our country.

I am “technically” classified as a First Nations person. I am Metis. While, I don’t have my card just yet, it’s something that I want to obtain in the future. I love my heritage. I cherish it. There’s a piece of me that is tied to this land before any European immigrant even set foot here. That’s something that will never ever be taken away from me. It’s also the reason that this particular issue really bothers me.

The exploitation of victims and their families in this story is not only wrong, it’s abhorrent. It’s irresponsible. It seems like these people pushing for the (useless) National Inquiry are ignoring evidence that has strictly proven that race has nothing to do with murdered and missing aboriginal women and the rate that it occurs at. They seem to want to confirm their misplaced assessment that police forces and the government are the real villains in this, not the murderers, not the rapists, but the establishment.

Here is all the information that the pro-Inquiry crowd are screaming for. It’s been around since 2014. If you look around, you’ll also find that information has constantly been updated, the last being in June of 2015.

I guess if they changed the name of the report from “A National Operational Overview” to “A National Inquiry” it would make everything okay? All the information that these pushers are calling for has already been released. It’s already available to every Canadian with 20 simple strokes of the keyboard. I don’t get it. Are these people just ignorant or are they trying to get the facts and information to fit their bias viewpoint that “non-aboriginal” (white people, basically) are racist and in some way this is their fault?

The National Operational Overview **cough — National Inquiry — cough** compiled by the RCMP… across the country…. Nationally…. kind of like a sort of Inquiry…. under the Conservative government, outlines, I believe, 3 really key pieces of data:

  1. The total indicates that Aboriginal women are over-represented among Canada’s murdered and missing women.
  2. There are similarities across all female homicides. Most homicides were committed by men and most of the perpetrators knew their victims — whether as an acquaintance or a spouse.
  3. The majority of all female homicides are solved and there is little difference in solve rates between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal victims. (81% compared to 83%)

Aboriginal women are being killed by their brothers, husbands, boyfriends, uncles, fathers, grandfathers, cousins, friends and co-workers, largely made up of aboriginal men. Indigenous women are being killed or go missing at an alarming rate, this is true. These crimes, whether aboriginal or non-aboriginal, are solved a vast majority of the time. That, to me right there, disproves all “race-based” motives. Everything else is just race-baiting, aided by politicians like Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair. They just want to push the narrative that the Harper government is racist and doesn’t care about First Nations people. What the hell, eh? Anything for a vote.

Now, because all the pro-Inquiry crowd is neglecting the actual facts… I guess I’ll have to present them. I read the entire “overview” and have collected some of the most pertinent data, which seems to circle consistently back to a strong nexus to family violence, criminality and substance abuse. Those factor’s are common in most murders, but this is just happening much more frequently.

Offenders accused in both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal female homicides are mostly male (89%) as opposed to female (11%). Female homicide victims generally know the person who kills them offender-to-victim– more than 90% had a previous relationship with them. Only 8% of Aboriginal women were murdered by strangers.

Looking at the status of the Aboriginal homicide victims versus non-Aboriginal, according to the facts, they are less likely to be employed (40% versus 16%). They are more likely to support themselves through illegal means (18% versus 8%) or be on some form of social assistance or disability insurance (23% versus 9%).

Another vulnerability factor that is more prevalent in the cases of murdered Aboriginal females is the consumption of drugs, alcohol or other intoxicants by the victim prior to the incident (63% versus 20%)

Those are staggering statistics. Switching over to the murderer..offender motive.

Those accused of killing Aboriginal females are more likely to have consumed an intoxicating substance (71% compared to 31%). They are less frequently employed (41% compared to 26%) or on some form of social assistance or disability insurance (24% compared to 10%).

Offenders accused of killing Aboriginal females are more likely to have a criminal record (71% compared to 45%). 53% had been convicted before of a violent crime; 62% had a history of violence with the specific murder victim herself. I think these stats really accentuates the point that the criminal justice system needs to stop allowing criminals back out into the public, simply because they’re perceived as “social victims.” More often then not, these brute return to their already embattled communities to cause more violence. It’s called the Gladue discount.<–(I don’t agree with the final analysis at all, but it includes the history, an explanation, as well as it’s backwards rules) It gives Aboriginal offenders weaker sentences, or something nothing at all, based on their ethnicity and, what I call, “white guilt.” These white leftist judges (probably the same ones who gave Omar Khadr a two week vacation in Toronto recently to visit his “sick” grandparents) feel so bad about their own ethnic backgrounds that they shoot these violent criminals right back into impoverished neighbourhoods to victimize the exact same people, again and again and again, a lot of the times in an isolated or somewhat isolated reserve. When is enough, enough?

Now, the RCMP is taking this information very serious. They have dedicated resources to develop a National Missing Persons Strategy. The strategy, they say, will guide the RCMP’s approach to missing persons cases and increase the quality of the investigations. Here’s how they’ll do that:

• Ensuring the necessary level of supervision and guidance is provided on all missing persons investigations;

• Ensuring available victim services are provided to support the families;

• Providing ongoing and timely communication to the family or reporting party;

• Conducting interviews with located individuals to determine possible risk factors for prevention and early intervention;

• Updating the RCMP National Missing Persons policy to incorporate best practices;

• Initiating the mandatory use and completion of a national missing persons intake form; and,

• Implementing a mandatory national risk assessment tool as an investigative aid.

Those are all good things and will lead to more solved cases and more closure brought to mourning families, but it does next to nothing to deal with the real problem here. I’m going to say this as respectfully as possible. In most cases, these First Nations people who are unfortunately lacking a general purpose, are unemployed, getting drunk or taking drugs, fighting and killing each other. 9 times out of 10, the woman gets killed, because men are GENERALLY (not universally) stronger and more prone to mad fits of blind rage, then women. I’m sorry if that disturbs you or tugs at your politically correct side, but it’s reality regardless if you want to acknowledge it or not.

The numbers for murdered and missing aboriginal women, categorically, have nothing to do with the colour of a person’s skin. The fact that this is how this story has been spun is outrageous. What aggravates me the most, is the left’s immediate impulse to side with the minority group no matter what, regardless of cold hard facts and based on racist finger-pointing. I can hear that pretentious tone…

“Are you seriously blaming a minority group for the large amount of murderers and victims in their community?! Is your name Donald Trump?! The only victims that are there, are the victims of colonialism. Don’t you know that systemic racism and residential schools has taken away any small amount of responsibility that they hold over their own actions?!”

This has much more to do with poverty, domestic violence, substance abuse and unemployment, then racism. It is such a weak argument that it holds no water. Let’s get real. How do we fix poverty, domestic violence, substance abuse and unemployment? We can’t, simply. Some people don’t want to work, some people are entitled, some people are lazy, some people are addiction prone, some people are self-destructive and some people are just straight up a**holes. We can set up as much social services as we want to deal with those issues, but preventative measures and education are the only way, and that takes a long time. Even then, will we really ever be rid of these kinds of social issues? I don’t think so.

I find it completely thoughtless that the information compiled by the RCMP is not being circulate, at all. Everyday in the media we see a demonstration, or a rally for a National Inquiry, while no one is saying “Hey, look here! All the information that this rally is trying to uncover is all right here in a detailed RCMP report. WE ALREADY KNOW!” It makes me want to pull my freakin’ hair!pulling hair

There’s no secrets. There’s no government conspiracy. This, bluntly, in my opinion, is due to racism, but not white-on-native racism, but the other way around. That, coupled with a monumental army of white-guilt suffers. This subject is rooted in history. There were bad things done by both sides. I think a great idea for a future blog post is to create a sort of time-line in Canada to count the number of atrocities committed by both sides during the early formations of the country. I could go off on this right now, but I want to wrap up this article. About 10 instances immediately come to mind, but I digress. There are First Nations people and leaders who have not let go of the past. They do not like white people and don’t trust any information or service that is supplied by our government, bad or good. They see themselves as the victims of a, at one time, colonial government that stole everything away from them. I can’t argue that, to some extent. It’s factual and apart of our history. But, anyone from that time is dead, on either side. The days of First Nations warriors slaughtering entire villages of European settlers, mutilating their bodies and taking their scalps, are over. The days of foreign European armies getting rip roaring drunk and returning the favour by ruthlessly massacring hundreds, including women and child, are also over. I’m not saying that white-on-First Nation racism doesn’t exist, it does for sure. I’ve seen it. But, I’ve also been called a “stupid white man” several times on the bus or on the street, by, usually, an inebriated gentlemen of First Nation ancestry. It goes both ways.  Pro-Inquiry people don’t like the facts. They want different facts, their own “facts,” that point the finger away from the obvious problems within the aboriginal communities in Canada. The things that most Chiefs ignore or are unwilling to fix. They want complete control over the inquiry to spin it, so that the information in the RCMP National Operational Overview (overview, by the way, is a synonym for inquiry, believe it or not) is discredited. They want the last word. Simple as that.

Penned by Jack Madelyn.

The Pursuit of Racism: A Useless Inquiry That Already Happened

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